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Transformational Coach and Facilitator
Tamsin Langrishe
Dynamic Mind Practiceâ„¢
Deep relaxation and stress management for individuals and organisations
Medical research has shown that this technique offers a wide range of health benefits and for those who have sleeping difficulties, sleep will return to normal patterns.

It is well known that the pressure of living in today’s stressed world is causing an increase in stress-related illnesses and diseases such as high blood pressure, heart problems, burn outs, and other challenging health conditions. In addition, we know that the pandemic has been having a huge impact on people's mental health across the globe.
The Dynamic Mind Practiceâ„¢ is a remarkable yet simple technique for providing deep relaxation and stress management. In two sessions, we teach a major skill that counteracts stress and enables you to move into a state of deep relaxation within 20 minutes - in terms of relaxation, it is equivalent to seven hours of deep sleep.
By practising the technique regularly, we can really begin to see the positive impact that it has on our relationships as well as on our physical, emotional and mental well-being. It gives us the ability to manage our fear or anxiety when faced with challenging situations and increases our ability to make decisions in a more creative and empathetic way. These skills are fundamental to us being able to manage the stresses that come along as part of everyday life and having a creative, rather than reactive, approach to life.
The practice can be taught individually or in groups. If you would like more information about it, please get in touch via the button below. In addition, The Dynamic Mind Practiceâ„¢ is available as an app in the Google Play and Apple stores.
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